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Philip L. Burton Memorial Scholarship

The Loren Miller Bar Foundation provides the Philip L. Burton Memorial Scholarship to deserving third-year law students of African/African-American descent and/or law students who possess a demonstrated commitment to improving the African-American community. The scholarship funds are provided expressly to offset the recipient’s Washington State Bar Exam preparation course expenses. The amount of the award varies from year to year. 


The scholarship committee will evaluate the information provided by each applicant in order to determine the recipients of the scholarship. The Philip L. Burton Memorial Scholarship Application is currently closed. 

Donations to the Philip L. Burton Memorial Scholarship are tax-deducible.

Judge Donald D. Haley LSAT Scholarship

The Loren Miller Bar Association also provides a scholarship for undergraduates seeking to apply to law school. The Judge Donald D. Haley LSAT Scholarship provides a grant for students to pay for LSAT registration fees or toward a preparatory course or program.


Completed applications should be emailed to no later than 11:59 PST on February 2, 2025.

The Scholarship Selection Committee will notify all applicants by February 23, 2025, indicating whether they have been selected for the scholarship.

For questions, please email

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