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Inquest Family Counsel

King County is soliciting submittals from interested and qualified firms, non-profit organizations, and solo practitioners that are interested in contracting to provide inquest representation to families of the person whose death is the subject of the inquest.  More information can be found on King County’s Solicitation Abstract page by searching for the title of the solicitation (“Inquest Counsel Services”). All suppliers must complete the registration process detailed on King County’s website before firms can submit a proposal and before we can execute any contracts, place orders, or pay invoices. Please follow the link below to complete registration and for any additional information: This website contains a number of resources related to registering as a supplier, including support at Any questions about this RFQ must be sent via email to the Contract Specialist (Stephanie Wong, and Alternate Contract Specialist (Michelle Poste,  Background information about inquest proceedings in King County can be found here:


Mailing Address:

 P.O Box 1873  Seattle, WA 98111

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